SynchubSynchub is more like a linktree clone alot more customiz...htmlTailwindNext.jsTypescriptZustand
Metrix DashboardMetrix is an analytics dashboard and it's 100% responsive htmlStyled-componentNext.jszustand
X3-Codesx3-code is a platform for tech skill registration, i showcased my skill of crafting beautiful responsive interfacehtmlsass/cssreact.js
job tracting and ecommerce admine dashboardAn admin job and ecommerce tracking dashboard for updating and tracking jobs and saleshtmlTailwind.cssreact.js
Yummi foodsE-commerce website , you can Filter the products, search for a products also has an add to cart and wishList functionalityhtmlTailwind.cssreact.js
pexels cloneI recreated pexels website using their Api with the search functionalityhtmlTailwind.cssreact.js